Summer Picnic – White Elephant Auction – August at Terrace Park.
809 E Fifth Street
Arlington, WA 98223
All members are asked to bring a “White Elephant” item (you-don’t-want-it-but-someone-else-might) to our member-pot-luck-picnic held at Terrace Park in Arlington, WA. We usually begin the festivities by stuffing tumbled rocks into small hand-sewn “grab bags” for our upcoming show in October. Then we eat, hamburgers and hot dogs provided by the club. Our after-meal entertainment is provided by a club-member-auctioneer who will do the honor and try to “unload” or rather convince someone in our picnic audience that they need a particular White Elephant item. All proceeds go to the Scholarship fund. Loads of fun and laughs had by all! (pics)